Cupping vs massage therapy, these are two of the most popular complementary therapies used to treat various conditions, including pain, stress, and inflammation. While both have their health benefits, there are some important differences between these treatments that you should know about before choosing one over the other. Read on for more information.
What Is Cupping?
Cupping is a traditional Chinese therapy in which cups made from glass, plastic, rubber, or ceramic are placed on specific parts of the body. The cup is then heated with a flame or a cupper tool. The heat rises through the cup, drawing blood flowing into the area underneath.
How Does It Work?
The exact process by which cupping works is not fully understood, but it is thought to occur when pressure is applied to certain body areas, causing blood vessels to constrict and blood flow to increase. When the process occurs, the skin becomes taut and tight, which pulls away from underlying muscle tissue.
Benefits Of Cupping For Pain Relief
Cupping Massage has been practiced since the Middle Ages, but its use as a remedy for pain was first noted in the 1800s. Since then, cupping has gained considerable popularity with patients seeking pain relief. Research shows that cupping may effectively treat symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, arthritis, carpal tunnel, and more.
There are several reasons why cupping might benefit people suffering from pain:
- Increased Blood Flow
- Reduced Inflammation
- Decreased Tension
- Improved Relaxation
- Enhanced Healing
- Increased Circulation
- Relieved Stress
- Increased Energy
- Improved Sleep Quality
- Increased Immune Function
Does cupping safe?
A professional massage therapist will put cups on the skin to carefully treat the body’s various parts. Note that this method might cause discomfort, but it is best for relaxation. While undergoing a purging procedure, your skin may suction into the cup. This change in color and texture lessens as the cooling action continues.
Is it painful?
It depends on the area of the body you are applying the cups to which parts may be tender during the process. A particular part of the body, such as your face, hands, feet, ears, or scalp, may feel uncomfortable while applying it to the cups for a treatment. If you have significant pain when being treated or feel anything unusual occurring while being treated, stop what you’re doing at once. Your therapist will inform you if they notice anything unusual during your treatment.
What To Expect During Treatment?
You will lie on a bed during a regular session and wear no problem-control cuffs. At a minimum, you will be turned over and have each arm raised above your head. A therapist will put one hand over each arm. Then, they will press down on your arms somewhat until the skin on your wrists and elbows bulges out. He or she will then move his fingers upward over your skin. They will then continue moving up and down your arms until the whole arm is completely covered.
How long does it last?
This process usually lasts about 30 minutes. Typically, you should do two sessions each week.
Can I do it myself?
Yes! There are many sites where you can access videos that teach how to perform self-cupping. Typically, these videos contain step-by-step instructions on the use of the technique. The only real difference between performing self-cupping and having a professional do it for you is that the latter is significantly less expensive.
How often can I do cupping therapy?
Cup therapy is best performed once or twice each week. If you are confident in the method, you can try it yourself. However, if you want to maximize the benefits from cupping therapy, it’s necessary to have a trained professional administer it.
When to avoid cupping therapy?
Cupping should not be used on open wounds, scars, or muscular injuries. Pregnant women shouldn’t use this remedy. Cupping is a traditional practice of traditional Chinese medicine that is required to apply a suction cup to various parts of the body.
What are the side effects of cupping?
When the cupping treatment is over, you may experience some bruising. The area treated may also feel tender. Bruises on the place treated may last for 3 weeks, and it depends on the toxins and stagnation in the area. Darker bruises mean more toxins and stagnation. Do not apply creams or lotions to the area because this may cause infection.
Does cupping help with lower back pain, pinched nerves, and ‘knots’?
Cupping is a popular method that’s applied to relax tense muscles. The primary benefit is releasing muscle tension and soreness, which relieves painful areas of the body, such as your legs or hip, affected by specific health issues. It can be used to ease symptoms related to arthritis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, and fibromyalgia.
Cupping vs Massage, which is better?
Massage and cupping are two different ways of delivering healthcare. Both can help alleviate pain, massage assists in relaxing muscles while cupping assists in stimulating blood flow. Each is a successful treatment, but they’re not interchangeable.
If you’re looking for an effective way to relieve tension in your muscles and lessen stress, you should consider regular massages. Massage therapists are experts in relieving tension and release of stored energy.
If you’re looking to boost circulation, consider cupping. Cupping increases blood flow and aids in the release of stagnant energy. This is particularly beneficial when you’re feeling exhausted or stressed.
When should I call the doctor?
See a medical professional if you experience burns due to cupping therapy. You might also have a fever or other symptoms indicative of an infection. Contact your healthcare professional to advise them of cupping therapy. You have to notify your doctor if you see any unusual symptoms days after your treatment.
Types of Cupping
Therapy professionals use cupping to assist people suffering from chronic pain or other illnesses. Dry cupping is when a therapist places an electric flame inside the glass container known as the cup. After the heat has been removed, the cup is cooled and forms an air vacuum. This causes the skin to lift upwards and causes the veins to pop out. The cups are then put on the body of the patient for around three minutes. The vacuum assists in drawing away toxins from the body.
In wet cupping, the therapist pours the liquid into the cups. After that, he heats it until it is boiling. He then removes the cup and puts it on the patient’s skin. The steam in the cup pulls the skin and causes veins to show. The person typically keeps the cup for around five minutes.
Deep Tissue Massage vs. Cupping For Pain Relief
Deep tissue massage, as well as cupping, are effective in relieving discomfort. The deep tissue massage concentrates on the neck, back and shoulders, arms, feet, legs, and scalp. It employs stretching, pressure, kneading, and friction to loosen muscles and increase blood flow.
Cupping is the process of applying suction to the skin. It is best in areas that have been damaged or straining. It can be applied to the chest, face, abdomen, back, buttocks, knees, thighs, wrists, ankles, fingers, elbows, and scalp. It is also possible to combine it with the use of acupuncture.
Compared to massage, cupping is more beneficial in relieving pain and improving circulation. If you are looking for a way to boost your overall well-being, you should consider trying both therapies.